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Being a parent makes you learn several things about babies which includes how to satisfy them, their health and even making sure their food is stored properly because of their newly developing system. A baby’s immune system is still developing, hence the need to consciously protect your little one from bacteria, germs, and harmful chemicals. Parents give their little one formula for different reasons. You might be taking on a job that requires your time. You might so want to introduce a formula to enable your spouse to feed your baby. Although breast milk is recommended for a baby, your little one would still get the required nutrients from a formula since it mimics the nutrients found in breast milk. There are harmful microorganisms that occur naturally in the environment. These harmful microorganisms can be present in your baby’s powdered formula if it’s not properly stored. Also, powdered formula is not sterile hence the need for it to be properly stored so it can help to reduce the risk of exposing your little one to health complications.
Can you store powdered formula in Tupperware?
Keeping your baby’s powdered formula safe from germs is important so you don’t expose your little one to health complications. Yes, you can store your baby’s powdered formula in Tupperware since it guarantees the freshness of the formula powder. Tupperware can be used as an eco-friendly baby formula storage container. It has its lids designed to grip firm so your baby’s formula does not pour out. Storing your baby’s formula powder in Tupperware gives you the convenience to carry the storage container even when you are on the move due to its lightweight. The feeding process for a baby which includes getting the right formula and storing it can be quite overwhelming for a parent. There are guidelines for storing powdered formula in Tupperware which can take the overwhelming feeling away. Below are some of the guidelines on storing your powdered formula in Tupperware. These guidelines must be followed to ensure your baby is healthy and safe.
How to store powdered formula in Tupperware
● Ensure the Tupperware is clean and sterilized before use:
Before storing the formula powder in the Tupperware, ensure the Tupperware is thoroughly cleaned and sterilized to avoid exposing your little one to bacteria. You can put the Tupperware in a bowl of hot water for 5-10 minutes or use the steam in a microwave to sterilize it. Use a wash basin used for only your baby’s food item when washing the Tupperware. Also, use a clean kitchen towel used for only your baby’s food accessories to dry it. It is important that you do not use a dish towel used for other kitchen purposes since it might be covered in bacteria or other harmful microorganisms found in the kitchen.
● Ensure your hands are properly clean:
Before you begin the process of storing your baby’s powdered formula, ensure you wash your hands properly and dry them with a new kitchen towel. Don’t touch any other thing apart from your baby’s formula to avoid contaminating the formula with bacteria or other germs around.
● Ensure the lid is tightly closed:
When moisture gets into a formula, it loses its quality and the nutrients present in the formula. The lid of the Tupperware should be tightly closed to avoid moisture from getting into the formula. It is also important that the powdered formula does not get to the brim of the Tupperware to ensure the lid closes tightly without any obstruction.
● Ensure that the Tupperware is BPA-free:
BPA and other forms of chemicals which can be found in some formula storage container have been linked to certain health complications in infants, especially in new-born babies because of their fragile immune system. Ensure that your Tupperware is made from non-toxic materials so that the storage container does not release harmful chemicals to your baby’s powdered formula and puts your little one at risk of health complications.
● Store powdered formula in a cool and dry Tupperware:
Once your baby’s powdered formula is opened, it is exposed to different environmental factors which include air humidity and this begins to affect the freshness and quality of the powdered formula. Ensure the Tupperware is cool and dry before storing your baby’s formula so the freshness of the powdered formula is guaranteed.
● Avoid putting the Tupperware in extreme temperatures:
It has been recommended that powdered formula is kept at room temperature to preserve the quality. So, make sure the Tupperware is not exposed to extreme heat or cold. The Tupperware should not be kept in the freezer due to the effect of humidity on the formula. Also, the powdered formula should not be placed near direct sunlight.
● Avoid putting a wet scoop in the powdered formula:
Putting a wet scoop in the powdered formula allows moisture to get into the formula. This results in the growth of molds and bacteria, which is harmful to the developing system of your little one. Ensure that you use a clean and dry scoop while taking the formula from the Tupperware.
An open pack or can of powdered formula has a validity of one month. Ensure you don’t leave your baby’s powdered formula in the Tupperware storage container for more than a month to avoid the risk of exposing your little one to bacteria. It is important to note that powdered formula is not totally free from germs and should not be fed to – babies who are born prematurely, babies who are under 2 months of age, and babies who have a weak immune system and stand the risk of getting sick when exposed to germs.
Tupperware is an ideal storage container for your baby’s powdered formula because its lids are designed to grip firmly to avoid leakages, dust, germs, moisture and other harmful microorganisms from getting into it. Above are guidelines to follow while storing your baby’s powdered formula. Following these guidelines ensures your little one is not at risk of health complications.