can we give carrot puree to baby at night

Can We Give Carrot Puree to a baby at Night?

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Can we give carrot puree to a baby at night? Sure you are wondering whether or not carrot puree is suitable for your child at night, you are not alone. Carrot puree is a very nutritious meal to add to the diet of your baby. This is because carrots, which are one of the main ingredients used to make carrot puree are rich in antioxidants and vitamin k1 which gives a balanced diet that your baby needs at that particular age. But the question moms are asking is “Can we give carrot puree to a baby at night? Ideally, any food containing solids should not be given to your baby after 6 pm, but carrot puree can be given after 6 pm provided it is properly checked for chunks and is served at normal temperature.

Benefits of carrot puree

Carrots puree are rich in nutrients such as vitamin k1, antioxidants and fibre. Carrot puree have also been linked to improving the eye health, reduce cholesterol levels and even reducing the risk of cancer in infants.

 Below are some of the nutritional benefits which can be gotten from 100 grams of carrot puree.

Water88.2 grams
Fibre2.8 grams
Fats0.24 milligrams
Protein0.92 grams
Carbs9.57 grams
Vitamin A835 micrograms
Vitamin E0.66 milligrams
Vitamin K13.2 micrograms
Iron0.3 milligrams
Potassium320 milligrams
Phosphorous35 milligrams
Magnesium12 milligrams
Copper0.045 milligrams
Calcium33 milligrams
Vitamin C5.9 milligrams
Sodium69 milligrams
Zinc0.24 milligrams
Manganese0.143 milligrams
Sugar4.73 grams

We all know that carrots are mellow fruits which makes carrot puree just perfect for the baby’s palate. They are also an excellent source of nutrients for babies. Carrot puree are very high in antioxidants which turns into vitamin A in the baby’s body. Vitamin A helps to strengthen the eye of an infant or baby. Carrot puree also helps to strengthen the immune system of babies. Recent studies have also shown that carrot puree contain phytochemicals that protect against certain cancers and heart diseases. Carrot puree have also been known to be a good source of vitamin k which aids proper blood clotting.

The major benefits of carrot puree to babies are as follows

  • Carrot puree provides healthier body cells.
  • Carrot puree strengthens the immune system.
  • The nutrients in carrot puree allows for proper blood circulation.
  • Carrot puree helps to improve eyesight.

Carrot puree provides healthier body cells

Carrot puree contains certain nutrients that directly affect the growth of cells in babies. This helps to ensure that the growth of these cells is not unrestrained. In other words, in situations where rapid cell growth is needed, such as wounds, carrot puree can help in healing the affected areas.

Carrot puree strengthens the immune system

Most parents often want the immune system of their infants to be strong, regular intake of carrot puree can do this. Cells such as blood platelets and lymphocytes play an important role in maintaining the balance of the immune system and also ensuring the strength of the immune system. Carrots puree helps to improve the number of cells that boost immunity in babies.

The nutrients in carrot puree allows for proper blood circulation

We all know that the circulatory system is responsible for the flow and transportation of blood and nutrients in the body. But we should also remember that the circulatory system transports oxygen.  Carrot puree helps to improve the functions of the circulatory system and also contains nutrients which helps to improve the heath of the kidney and heart.

Carrot puree helps to improve eyesight

The two most important elements responsible for improving eyesight are Beta carotene and Vitamin A. These two elements affect how the retina grows and help ensure that the retina is in proper condition. Carrot puree contains these two elements mentioned in considerable amount, helping to give the baby a clearer vision.

Types of carrot puree

When carrot puree is mixed with a variety of fruits, meats and even vegetables. It gives a tasty and healthy dish.  

Below are some of the fruits, meats and vegetables that can be mixed with carrot puree:

  • Apple carrot puree
  • Pears carrot puree
  • Sweet potato carrot puree
  • Peach carrot puree
  • Multigrain baby cereal carrot puree
  • Mango carrot puree
  • Yogurt carrot puree
  • Pumpkin carrot puree
  • Broccoli carrot puree
  • Chicken carrot puree

How Long Can You Keep Carrot Puree

You must probably be wondering how long you can keep carrot puree for before it becomes inedible. Carrot puree stored in BPA (bisphenol-A) free containers can be put in the fridge  for as long as 3 days and can be put in a freezer for as long as 3 months. When storing the carrot puree you need to ensure that the BPA free containers are airtight. Carrot puree can also be placed into ice cube trays before putting them in the refrigerator or freezer.

Can a 4 Months Baby Take Carrot Puree?

Parents sometimes wander if carrot puree is appropriate for their 4 months old baby. Their worries are usually whether or not the texture of carrot puree is suitable for their infants to eat easily without stress. Although breast milk is highly recommended by doctors as the only food for your infants between the ages of 4 and 6 months.

Research by the American Academy of paediatrics has shown that most babies can begin eating solid foods as a support to breast feeding. Babies do so at a stage where forcing foods down their mouth with their tongue.

At this age of the infant, there is active coordination development; thus, they are able to move solid food. As we can see from the previous sentences carrot puree is not suitable for 4 months old babies. There are other signs that also show that your baby is ready for carrot puree

  • Firstly you will need to find out if your baby can sit with support.
  • You will also need to find out if your baby is showing a want for food by opening his or her mouth.
  • You will also need to find out if your baby can hold his or her head in an upright position.
  • Lastly, you will watch your baby find out if he or she mouths their toy and hands.

Can We Give Carrot Puree to a baby at Night?

Carrot puree is an awesome delicacy packed with great nutritional benefits. With the nutritional benefits of carrot puree, many parents are considering this as an added nutrition for their little ones. However, many parents feel concerned and would like to know if it would be suitable for the developing digestive systems of their babies. Well, your decision is dependent on the child’s age, and if the baby is of age, this meal can serve as a support for breastfeeding.

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