Baby crying while eating solid

Baby crying while eating solid? 5 things you can do

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Is your baby crying while eating solid? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, your little one can be introduced to solid food at about 6 months old. At this age, your baby needs more nutrients than the one gotten from either breast milk or formula. By 7-8 months old, your baby should have gotten used to the taste of certain solid food and should be able to eat a wider range of solid food. Your little one would be ready for solid food when he/she has good head control, can sit with little or no support, or starts to lean forward and open his/her mouth when food is offered

As a parent, you would be excited to introduce your baby to solid food but might be faced with a crying baby who is making a fuss, probably refusing the food and making you frustrated. This might happen frequently and you might not know why.

 There are so many reasons why your little one begins to cry while eating food. It is important to know that your baby has been used to the taste and texture of breast milk or formula for 6 months and is suddenly being introduced to a different taste and texture of food. Below are few reasons why your baby is crying while eating solid.

5 Reasons why your baby cries while eating solid food

1. Wrong food timing:

When introducing solid food to your little one, the timing needs to be right. Your baby’s taste bud is not yet accustomed to the taste of solid food and introducing solid food when your baby is hungry might cause your baby to get fussy since the only thing that might taste appetizing and comfort your baby would be breast milk or formula. Your baby might also not accept solid food after being full of breast milk or formula. The stomach of a baby is small and should not be cramped.

2. The baby is uncomfortable:

Your baby might start crying while being fed solid food if he/she is uncomfortable. Your baby’s only method of communication while in pain or while uncomfortable is crying therefore if you are feeding your baby with solid food with a tight cloth, soiled diaper or a constipated stomach then you might be faced with a baby who would outrightly refuse to eat or start crying.

3. The baby is teething:

Most babies begin teething from 6 months of age and their gums begin to irritate them. This might make them fussy and irritated while introducing a new taste or texture of food to them. Your baby might not be in the best mood to explore with solid food and might want just breast milk or formula.

4. The baby feels pressurized:

Mealtime is supposed to be fun for your little one. When you act anxious or look frustrated when your baby does not accept solid food, your baby can feel pressured and start crying.

5. The baby doesn’t like the texture

Getting your baby to like the texture of solid food might take a while. It is common for a baby to make a fuss or cry when given solid food due to the strange texture of the food

Having to feed a baby who cries while eating solid food can be tasking. Below are a few things you can do when your baby cries while eating solid food.

5 things you can do when your baby cries while eating solid food

1. Give a time gap before solid food:

Ensure there is a time gap between giving your baby breast milk or formula and introducing solid food. Your baby should not be too full or too hungry when you are introducing solid food. You can offer your baby a little quantity of solid food an hour after taking either breast milk or formula. You can repeat the process once or twice, daily. It is important to give your baby solid food in little quantities since it only serves as a complementary food at their age.

2. Ensure your baby is comfortable:

If you feel your little one is crying because he or she is uncomfortable, check if your baby has poop or excess urine in the diaper so it can be changed or remove any tight cloth your baby is wearing. This can make your baby feel at ease and accept solid food.

3. Introduce cold and soothing solid food:

If your baby is teething and becomes fussy while eating solid food, you can try giving your little one cold and soothing solid food like yogurt, frozen banana, or cheese instead. This can reduce the irritation caused by the gum and also prepare the taste bud of your little one to accept other types of solid food.

4. Try to maintain a positive look:

Since your baby can sense when you are frustrated and trying to pressure him/her into eating and would start to cry. It is important you maintain a positive look during mealtime. Smile, and make your baby’s mealtime fun so your baby doesn’t cry and would accept the solid food without restrain.

5. Be creative with your baby’s solid meal:

Being creative with solid food can reduce your baby’s cry and fussiness during mealtime. You can cut solid food into thin slices or smaller pieces. You can also mash solid food to make it easy for your little one to eat.

The conclusion

Is your baby crying while eating solid? Your baby can make a fuss or cry while being introduced to solid food and this is normal. You just have to be sensitive to what is making your baby cry while eating solid meals and find a solution to it. Some reasons while a baby would cry while eating solid food and guidelines to feed your baby without him/her crying has been highlighted above. It is important to take it a day at a time and not feel pressured while introducing solid meals to your little one. Always remember to be patient with your little one while introducing solid food. Also, avoid solid foods that can cause choking hazards and put your baby at risk.

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