Can babies eat sausage rolls

Sausage rolls: Can babies eat sausage rolls?

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Sausage roll is a tasty pastry snack that is made up of sausage wrapped in dough. It comes in various sizes and can be served as a whole snack or finger food based on your preference. Babies are supposed to depend on the nutrient gotten from breast milk or formula till 6 months of age. Therefore, it has been recommended that solid food should be given to a baby from 6 months of age so your baby can get the nutrients present in solid food to have additional nutrients for healthy development.

Although sausage rolls have nutrients that promote a healthy immune system, parents often ask “can babies eat sausage rolls?”. They want to know about the appropriate age to introduce sausage roll to a baby to avoid putting the baby at risk of either a choking hazard or a food allergy. Below is the appropriate age to give your little one sausage roll to eat.

What age can babies eat sausage rolls?

The sausage roll is made with dough and large chunks of sausage and it might be too thick for a baby less than 12 months old to chew without choking. It can also be too hard for a baby less than 12 months of age to digest sausage roll properly. It has been recommended that finger foods which include sausage roll, should be introduced to a baby at 12 months of age. At this age, your baby’s digestive system can handle larger chunks of food. Ensure you give your little one sausage in moderation due to its high content in fat and calories.

Although sausage is high in fat and calories, it provides some health benefits when eaten. Below are some of the nutrients your baby will get from eating sausage.

Benefits of sausage for babies

1.         Fights against infection

Sausage is high in proteins which helps in the repair and building of cells. It fights against infections and promotes the healthy development of the immune system. The protein present in sausage helps in hormone balance, aids the healthy development of the brain, and to keep the body tissues healthy.

2.         Gives the body the required energy

Sausage is rich in vitamin B12, B2 and B3 which helps the body create energy and also form red blood cells. Lack of essential vitamins in the body can result in fatigue and low cognitive functions.

3.         Good source of iron

Sausage contains iron, which is an essential mineral responsible for the production of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is responsible for supporting the function of red blood cells in the body.

Different types of sausage rolls for babies

Sausage rolls are made up of sausage wrapped with dough. Sausages are made from beef, chicken, pork, turkey or a combination of any of these meats. Below are some types of sausage rolls your little one can eat.

a.         Chicken sausage rolls

This is made by wrapping a chicken sausage with a dough before baking. Chicken sausage is made from chicken meat and other spices. The chicken meat is cut into small pieces and ground into tiny bits. The ground chicken meat is then put in a casing to form a link then smoked and poached. Chicken sausage is lower in calories and fat and it is high in protein. Giving your little one chicken sausage rolls means less sodium and fat in each serving. Chicken sausage rolls give your baby the feeling of a tasty snack with reduced fat content. When making homemade sausage rolls for your baby, ensure that the sausage is gluten-free and safe for babies with allergies.

b.         Pork sausage rolls

This is made by wrapping a pork sausage with a dough before baking. Pork sausage is made from pork meat mixed with other spices and preservatives. The pork is ground into tiny pieces, packed into a casing to form link, then poached and smoked. Although it is not advisable to give your little one too much of pork sausage to eat due to the number of calories and fat present, it is an excellent addition to a healthy diet. When giving your little one pork sausage, ensure it is lean sausage and it is given to your baby in moderation.

c.         Vienna sausage rolls

This is made by wrapping a Vienna sausage with a dough before baking. Vienna sausage is made from mechanically separated chicken, pork and beef with added spices and natural flavours. It is then packed into a casing to form a link before it is poached and smoked. This type of sausage originate from Vienna and has become popular around the world. Vienna sausage rolls are high in sodium and can be highly processed, so it is best eaten in moderation. Ensure your little one does not consume Vienna sausage rolls regularly to avoid any health complications.

d.         Turkey sausage rolls

This is made by wrapping a turkey sausage with a dough before baking. Turkey sausage is made from turkey breast and thigh mixed with other spices and preservatives. The turkey breast and thigh is ground into smaller pieces, packed into a casting to form a link, then poached and smoked. Turkey sausage roll has more protein and is lower in calories and fat unlike other types of sausage roll. If you’re looking for a healthy type of sausage roll for your little one, turkey sausage would be best although it should also be eaten in moderation to avoid exposing your little one to health complications.

Can babies eat Sausage Rolls?

Babies would love to indulge in eating tasty snacks and finger foods. The sausage roll is one of the tasty snacks that babies would love to have during snack time. As a parent, you might wonder the best time to introduce your baby to eat the sausage rolls. It is important to ensure that you do not introduce sausage roll to your little one until 12 months of age.

Above are some of the benefits your little one would get from eating sausage rolls and also the different types of sausage rolls. It is important to monitor your little one while eating sausage rolls to avoid exposing them to a choking hazard or a food allergy. Discontinue giving your baby sausage roll and contact your pediatrician if you notice an allergic reaction.

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