Scared To Give Baby Peanut Butter

Scared To Give Baby Peanut Butter? Here Is All You Need To Know

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Are you scared to give your baby peanut butter because of the associated allergy? Peanut butter is a spread or food paste, and produced from ground, dry-roasted peanuts. It comes with a lot of other ingredients, including salt, sweeteners, or emulsifiers – all of which modify the taste and texture. Peanut butter originates from Montreal and enjoys a popular buy-in in many countries across the globe.

Peanut butter boasts of nutrients that help boost heart health, and enhance blood sugar levels. When you or your baby have peanut butter in moderate doses, it has the potentials to help you lose weight, or add pounds during weight training or bodybuilding. 

While a lot of parents are scared to give peanut butter to their babies, such fear is justifiable in that peanut butter is high in calories. What this means then is that your baby is quite okay so long they take peanut butter in moderate quantities. So, fret no more!

How To Introduce Peanut Butter To Babies? 

Introducing peanut butter to your baby at an early stage is a choice you won’t regret making. It helps them ward off likely allergy to peanut in the future. This is the reason why most parents are scare of giving their babies peanut butter.

The first tip you want to keep in mind while introducing peanut butter to your baby is, ensuring they have the first taste when they are healthy. Giving the baby peanut butter when they are indisposed will usually not end as well as you intended.

Second, it is recommended that you introduce the peanut butter to the baby at home, as opposed to daycare or a restaurant. After giving her the first taste, you should put in two hours to observe your baby for a reaction. Give them maximum attention, as that will be a foundation for whatever will come after.

Give the first and second taste a space of ten minutes. If your baby doesn’t give off any reaction after that timeframe, you can go ahead to give her the rest of the peanut butter at her normal pace.

You can give your baby 2 teaspoons (6grams) of peanut butter at a minimum of 3 times per week. This will keep off possible allergy later on in her life.

Note that your baby can best have her first taste on a small spoon. For babies under the age of four, mix peanut butter with 1 food at a time. Plain peanut butter is strongly discouraged for children under age 4. 

Baby Allergic Reaction To Peanut Butter

What’s a food allergy, to start with? A food allergy happens simply when your body mistakes a particular food for something toxic or unknown. To ward off possible allergy to peanut butter from your baby, kindly introduce it to them very early. The earlier it is, the better it gets! 

The moment your baby is having her first try of peanut butter, it is important that you, as a parent, look out for signs of allergy. An allergic reaction lasts up to two hours after the introduction of a new food.

Given that peanut allergy is one of the most common food allergies in babies, your baby may find it scary the first time.

Peanut allergy has a variety of symptoms which include : 

  • Redness in the mouth or area of the body that came in contact with peanut.
  • Stomach upset: vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Stuffy or runny nose, at times with visible discharge.
  • Itchiness or redness of the nose.
  • Face swelling, and puffiness around the eyes. 
  • Coughing / wheezing
  • Difficulty breathing 
  • Weak pulse 
  • 97 degrees fever or higher 
  • Loss of consciousness

Don’t be scared to give baby peanut butter. If you notice your baby reacts to peanut butter, visit your pediatrician immediately.  

Benefits Of Peanut Butter For Babies 

Peanut is a highly nutritious food, and a great source of protein, B vitamins, iron, folic acid, and fiber. Because it is high in monounsaturated fats, peanut butter is ideal in maintaining heart health.

Below are some of the benefits of peanut butter.

  1. Weight loss 
  2. Enhancing heart health
  3. Body-building
  4. Regulating blood sugar levels
  5. Diminishes the risk of breast diseases

How Much Peanut Butter Is Too Much For A Toddler? 

Peanut butter is excellent food with enriching nutrients that give your baby all the best he deserves growing up. It’s just that no matter how good anything is, once the consumption exceeds moderate over time, the original intention of the product begins to dwindle.

So as for your bouncing toddler, so long as she takes peanut butter in a limited amount, she is good to go. So, you see, you don’t have to be scared to give your baby peanut butter.

Best Peanut Butter Brand For Babies And Toddlers.

Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter 

Smuckers natural peanut butter is a nice food that you and your baby will find both lovely and tasty. Smuckers is totally natural and produced with two simple ingredients, fresh-roasted peanuts, and a dash of salt. It is also gluten-free.

Crazy Richard’s Peanut Butter

Crazy richard’s peanut butter is every shade of natural: no sugar, no salt, no oil, just peanuts! Your baby is in for a nice and healthy food. 

Crazy doesn’t have to be freezed, and can be stirred as required to blend peanut oil. Apart from ease of wash, crazy richard’s peanut butter can also be used in sandwiches, pairing with fresh veggies, or as a recipe in the making of soups and sauces. 

Santa Cruz Organic Peanut

Santa peanut butter is a product of organic Spanish peanuts and a dash of salt. It comes with zero hydrogenated oils, added sugar, artificial flavour, or trans fat. 

This peanut butter from Santa Cruz is accessible in light and dark roasts, plus creamy and crunchy options for outstanding taste profiles. The reason it is dark roasted is for a complex, large flavour.

Skippy Peanut Butter

This is one flexible peanut butter that is not only spreadable and snackable, but also smooth. If you want a banging mixture, combine nutritious foods like whole-grain bread, fruit, and milk, and see how skippy peanut butter sends you energy and leaves you all pumped up for the day. 


There you have the entire narrative of the peanut butter! As long as you give your baby peanut butter at the proper age and follow the procedures of giving your baby peanut butter above, you have no reason to be scared to give your baby peanut butter. However, if you notice any allergic reaction as you feed them, get in touch with your pediatrician immediately.

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